Date: Approx: 2008 ?
Hi Brian, my name (name removed) and I’m in Campbell River, British Columbia and a friend has lead me to your website. Two years ago we were camping just north of Campbell River and I witnessed what seemed to be a figure about 5 ‘10 to 6 foot in height. I stared for about 5 minutes before I noticed it wasn’t moving.
Then just before I gave up and assumed it was a tree or my imagination. It stood straight up and walked to the left and through the heavy brush. I was so scared, I raced back to the campsite and told everyone what I had seen. The guys in the camp walked the whole site and couldn’t find a thing.
I have so many questions and have seen many more things in the last 2 years after really opening my eyes to this.
Thank you again!
If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. website:
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Bigfoot Roaming Lummi Indian Reservation In Bellingham Washington
Sighting on October 21, 2010
Time: Daytime.Hello Brian, I am not really sure of who to contact, but I hope that you might be the person that can help me. I live on the Lummi Indian Reservation in Bellingham Washington. My husband and myself live on my grandfather land for about 12 years now.
Our encounter with bigfoot when we first moved in our new home was 12 years ago. I had not seen or heard of bigfoot in my life, until we moved on my grandfather land. I am very upset because no one will investigate this stranger. It makes it self known almost every other day. If you can contact me it would be greatly appreciated.
So far there are three in this small community which I have heard on several occasions. Today while I was outside, I heard noise in the woods, soon after an eagle started making noises as well. Then out of no where, I seen Bigfoot come out of woods. It has taken me by surprise and I screamed and ran back into the house.
My husband asked me not to bother Bigfoot and leave them along. I get scared because I am alone most of the time. Please Help.
If any Bigfoot researchers/Investigators in Washington State would like the contact information for these folks, please write to me. Just researchers thank you.
Since I am posting this report, I will get going this weekend and write up the Sasquatch experience that took place between Prince Rupert and Terrace, B.C. It is a dandy.
If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. website:
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Breaking News - Sasquatch Frighten Two Hunters Between Prince Rupert And Terrace British Columbia
Date: October 4, 2010
Time: From early morning to later in the day.
Yesterday, October 5, 2010 I received an email from a lady who was passing along a short note to me. She did so, due to a fellow not having a computer and not having any computer experience. I replied to the email message with my phone number as a man wanted to talk to me over what happened to he and his friends while out hunting on October 4, 2010.
Today, October 6, 2010 I received a telephone call from one of the hunters who still sounded visibly upset over what took place. The men were followed by "two sasquatch" over the course of the day. They may not have known earlier on, but they soon found out later in the day what was following/stalking them. They came face to fact with two Sasquatch.
The fellows are going to postal mail photo/photos of the tracks which they took pictures of later. There is something else that will be coming in the package, but I will hold off and see what the fellows say over this.
Anyway, I have the full story here now and waiting on the package to come in the mail.
Brian Vike -
Time: From early morning to later in the day.
Yesterday, October 5, 2010 I received an email from a lady who was passing along a short note to me. She did so, due to a fellow not having a computer and not having any computer experience. I replied to the email message with my phone number as a man wanted to talk to me over what happened to he and his friends while out hunting on October 4, 2010.
Today, October 6, 2010 I received a telephone call from one of the hunters who still sounded visibly upset over what took place. The men were followed by "two sasquatch" over the course of the day. They may not have known earlier on, but they soon found out later in the day what was following/stalking them. They came face to fact with two Sasquatch.
The fellows are going to postal mail photo/photos of the tracks which they took pictures of later. There is something else that will be coming in the package, but I will hold off and see what the fellows say over this.
Anyway, I have the full story here now and waiting on the package to come in the mail.
Brian Vike -
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Breaking News - Sasquatch Or Something Else In Moricetown, British Columbia
I took a telephone call today, late afternoon from a resident of Moricetown British Columbia. From the little I know, tracks were found in the ground and leading off into tall grass. The strange thing about this is, each track appears or is burnt into the ground. Sound strange, well it is.
I am heading for Moricetown tomorrow Friday September 24, 2010 to investigate the tracks. Pictures will be taken besides everything else I will do on location. So once again, we have a very strange case in Moricetown British Columbia. A full report and photos will be posted after I return and can write up a report on this case.
If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. website:
I am heading for Moricetown tomorrow Friday September 24, 2010 to investigate the tracks. Pictures will be taken besides everything else I will do on location. So once again, we have a very strange case in Moricetown British Columbia. A full report and photos will be posted after I return and can write up a report on this case.
If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. website:
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Night Of The Sasquatch Or Alien Beings Ontario Canada (Interview)
Date of experience: August 15, 2005 at 11.00 p.m.
I remember that night well. My dear friend Barry had just passed away the previous afternoon and the next night I made a fire in my Tipi for him. I took down my Medicine Bundle and my drum, as I sung his Spirit a song. I missed Barry so much already, it was a nice bright star lit night, the fire was comforting and I felt Barry was there too. Then I heard a grunt and another grunt, then something brushed the skin of my Tipi.
I looked out across the pond that looked upon my house, I didn’t see anything, then another loud snort grunt and now the Tipi skin shook. My first thought was, it was a bear. So I put more wood on the fire and put some long sticks in, to get them on fire so I could go out with a burning torch. I sat still for some time and heard nothing. "Good I thought, the bear was gone". I gathered up my things and got ready to leave.
I was not 10 feet from my Tipi when I heard a noise, I turned toward the Miskwaaziibi (Red River) - the river ran behind the Tipi and there on the river bank, in the moon light I could make out the shadows of 4-5 "beings", some stood 7-8 feet tall, or taller and others were shorter. Then I noticed the eyes, "they were reflective/like an animals eyes in the lights", some were red, some green, some yellow. I knew this was not a bear family, yet similar to standing bear/man. The fur on them was very long and shaggy, and the shoulders were sloped, some had long arms other stocky.
I then went back to my Tipi as it was closer than my home. I left all my things there, I just took my drum and my bundle. I decided I would drum my way up and I thought making a noise would scare them off. I got out and glanced over and they were still all there, only they had moved down some on the river bank, toward the big swamp. I made my way to the house, my heart just racing. I could still see some of them by the river. I went inside to tell the others of my encounter, but.
When I got to my back door, the first one to greet me was my daughter. "Mom, you better get in here, something is going on!" She seemed very frightened and very serious. My sons were also in quite a state and my little guy, Matty was crying. "There is black things all through the house". Yeah Robert said, "these black things are all over and they are really fast". I immediately lit my sage and purified the house, instant calm was back. The kids were really shook up and now I really wondered. What was the connection with the shaggy creatures, or where they there to tell me something was wrong in my house? This was so much to handle.
They did get my attention, so then I ventured up to the garage where my partner Mel was looking out the windows. As soon as I got to the garage, he spoke really excited, so much I had to calm him by yelling back! All he could say for some time was, "what were you doing in the Tipi". He seemed very frightened and was searching for answers, as was I. "All these black things have been around", "shadows, you know, very quick " and I felt his fear.
Well I was getting really tired and so overwhelmed again. We decided to light some sweetgrass and Mel went through the garage with it. I just wanted to tell someone what I had seen and then the kids were so upset, black things. I just felt I needed to get away to collect my thoughts.
So I stood out in the middle of our gravel country road (Edwina Dr.) it was around 11.00 pm by now and no one was on the road. Yet if a truck had come at this point, I would not have moved as when I was looking up into the heavens and praying for answers. I called Mel as I noticed 3 stars moving at the same pace. The other stars in the sky were not. The formation then inverted itself, but kept on moving in the same southern direction as if to get my attention. Then the 3 stars shone orange/yellow lights and it became very clear and I realized I was looking at a massive, I mean massive flat blue/black ship.
I felt I was looking under the great hull of a ship. It was majestic as it went very slowly (like a blimp, it just puttered along ) and disappeared over the tree line. Now I knew what we saw, but just how do you explain this. Seeing this, to me was much like a trauma and it has taken along time to write this (3 years, I am just talking of this now) and I will say, this was a trauma to see all this. Did I see the Sasquatch, and if I did, I do think that the Sasquatch is much like the hairy thing out of Star Wars, or Harry and the Hendersons. It really does look like a walking bear/man. I really think this is why all these sightings, foot prints, hair, but never a body or any evidence.
I know what it is to see such a thing and have no proof. The next day I went around my Tipi and nothing, yet they were there. I had heard them and felt them brush my Tipi and saw their eyes. I do believe the craft is a connection and is to me obvious. They are some sort of travelers and have a ride home or is this home? As for the black things flying through my home and garage. I have no idea, maybe some sort of energy that is very quick, but thank goodness for the sage and sweetgrass!
That night my little one’s slept well, I still had not told anyone the full story of my experience and would not for some time. This is another experience I will never forget, never.
Since this encounter, I have been contacted by a Dr. Boylan PHD, hoping to meet with him this year and a man who wrote a great book. "The Psychic Sasquatch", by Jack "Kewaunee" Lapseritis M.S., he called me from Duvall Washington to view my surrounding property (both have studied the Sasquatch for over 40 years) as well I was just interviewed on a radio show, by Producer Tom Biscardi of Seeing this amazing being or family has me absolutely believing in the elders stories. As well see website:
A while ago I was called to facilitate at a conference up in Northern Canada. There I met a wonderful man (LeadingEarthMan) Dave Courchene Jr. said the Sasquatch represent honesty ~ to be honest with yourself, is to live in the spirit of how you were created. Never lie or gossip about each other. The more honest you are, the bigger you become as a person. Well said.
I was told to send them kindness and love as they can read your thoughts. I now feel honored our brother came to join me in my grief and brought the family, as well. When you see him, it must be an honor, they don't show themselves to much to anyone. I believe, send him/her your kind thoughts. Blessings ~ Miigwetch Sue.
You can listen free to the intervew Sue did on the Jeff Rense radio program:
You can view Sue's site at:
If you have seen anything like this approximately 10 miles south of Kokomo Indiana or somewhere else in the world, would you please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. website:
I remember that night well. My dear friend Barry had just passed away the previous afternoon and the next night I made a fire in my Tipi for him. I took down my Medicine Bundle and my drum, as I sung his Spirit a song. I missed Barry so much already, it was a nice bright star lit night, the fire was comforting and I felt Barry was there too. Then I heard a grunt and another grunt, then something brushed the skin of my Tipi.
I looked out across the pond that looked upon my house, I didn’t see anything, then another loud snort grunt and now the Tipi skin shook. My first thought was, it was a bear. So I put more wood on the fire and put some long sticks in, to get them on fire so I could go out with a burning torch. I sat still for some time and heard nothing. "Good I thought, the bear was gone". I gathered up my things and got ready to leave.
I was not 10 feet from my Tipi when I heard a noise, I turned toward the Miskwaaziibi (Red River) - the river ran behind the Tipi and there on the river bank, in the moon light I could make out the shadows of 4-5 "beings", some stood 7-8 feet tall, or taller and others were shorter. Then I noticed the eyes, "they were reflective/like an animals eyes in the lights", some were red, some green, some yellow. I knew this was not a bear family, yet similar to standing bear/man. The fur on them was very long and shaggy, and the shoulders were sloped, some had long arms other stocky.
I then went back to my Tipi as it was closer than my home. I left all my things there, I just took my drum and my bundle. I decided I would drum my way up and I thought making a noise would scare them off. I got out and glanced over and they were still all there, only they had moved down some on the river bank, toward the big swamp. I made my way to the house, my heart just racing. I could still see some of them by the river. I went inside to tell the others of my encounter, but.
When I got to my back door, the first one to greet me was my daughter. "Mom, you better get in here, something is going on!" She seemed very frightened and very serious. My sons were also in quite a state and my little guy, Matty was crying. "There is black things all through the house". Yeah Robert said, "these black things are all over and they are really fast". I immediately lit my sage and purified the house, instant calm was back. The kids were really shook up and now I really wondered. What was the connection with the shaggy creatures, or where they there to tell me something was wrong in my house? This was so much to handle.
They did get my attention, so then I ventured up to the garage where my partner Mel was looking out the windows. As soon as I got to the garage, he spoke really excited, so much I had to calm him by yelling back! All he could say for some time was, "what were you doing in the Tipi". He seemed very frightened and was searching for answers, as was I. "All these black things have been around", "shadows, you know, very quick " and I felt his fear.
Well I was getting really tired and so overwhelmed again. We decided to light some sweetgrass and Mel went through the garage with it. I just wanted to tell someone what I had seen and then the kids were so upset, black things. I just felt I needed to get away to collect my thoughts.
So I stood out in the middle of our gravel country road (Edwina Dr.) it was around 11.00 pm by now and no one was on the road. Yet if a truck had come at this point, I would not have moved as when I was looking up into the heavens and praying for answers. I called Mel as I noticed 3 stars moving at the same pace. The other stars in the sky were not. The formation then inverted itself, but kept on moving in the same southern direction as if to get my attention. Then the 3 stars shone orange/yellow lights and it became very clear and I realized I was looking at a massive, I mean massive flat blue/black ship.
I felt I was looking under the great hull of a ship. It was majestic as it went very slowly (like a blimp, it just puttered along ) and disappeared over the tree line. Now I knew what we saw, but just how do you explain this. Seeing this, to me was much like a trauma and it has taken along time to write this (3 years, I am just talking of this now) and I will say, this was a trauma to see all this. Did I see the Sasquatch, and if I did, I do think that the Sasquatch is much like the hairy thing out of Star Wars, or Harry and the Hendersons. It really does look like a walking bear/man. I really think this is why all these sightings, foot prints, hair, but never a body or any evidence.
I know what it is to see such a thing and have no proof. The next day I went around my Tipi and nothing, yet they were there. I had heard them and felt them brush my Tipi and saw their eyes. I do believe the craft is a connection and is to me obvious. They are some sort of travelers and have a ride home or is this home? As for the black things flying through my home and garage. I have no idea, maybe some sort of energy that is very quick, but thank goodness for the sage and sweetgrass!
That night my little one’s slept well, I still had not told anyone the full story of my experience and would not for some time. This is another experience I will never forget, never.
Since this encounter, I have been contacted by a Dr. Boylan PHD, hoping to meet with him this year and a man who wrote a great book. "The Psychic Sasquatch", by Jack "Kewaunee" Lapseritis M.S., he called me from Duvall Washington to view my surrounding property (both have studied the Sasquatch for over 40 years) as well I was just interviewed on a radio show, by Producer Tom Biscardi of Seeing this amazing being or family has me absolutely believing in the elders stories. As well see website:
A while ago I was called to facilitate at a conference up in Northern Canada. There I met a wonderful man (LeadingEarthMan) Dave Courchene Jr. said the Sasquatch represent honesty ~ to be honest with yourself, is to live in the spirit of how you were created. Never lie or gossip about each other. The more honest you are, the bigger you become as a person. Well said.
I was told to send them kindness and love as they can read your thoughts. I now feel honored our brother came to join me in my grief and brought the family, as well. When you see him, it must be an honor, they don't show themselves to much to anyone. I believe, send him/her your kind thoughts. Blessings ~ Miigwetch Sue.
You can listen free to the intervew Sue did on the Jeff Rense radio program:
You can view Sue's site at:
If you have seen anything like this approximately 10 miles south of Kokomo Indiana or somewhere else in the world, would you please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. website:
Monday, February 22, 2010
Possible Sasquatch/Bigfoot Tracks Found In South Central Maine ?
Date: February 2010 (Not sure of exact date)
Time: The tracks were found in the daylight hours.
Hello! I'm in south central Maine. I was walking through a field today (where no one walks) and found an odd trail. It looks just like the Sasquatch trails you see in other people's pictures. It is snowy, so the tracks remain (we haven't had snowfall for several weeks, so no telling how recent they are).
I also found fairly fresh poo, which looked like human poo, except was full of fibrous material and seeds. It didn't look like it came from a meat-eater and saw no sign of purified meat. Parts of it even had a reddish tone, as though some type of tree fruit was consumed. There was also some fuzzy hairs in it, but not throughout it. My guess is that it was hair from the creature who pooped there, or from a young that the adult bathed.
Should I go back and get the poo in a bag and send it for lab tests to determine where/what it came from? I would also take pictures (actually, didn't even think to snap some with my cell phone while out there today!). Can't imagine what else could make those prints. The footprints are about 5 feet apart, but are from a single foot, not like an animal running where several paws would land close to each other. It was pretty cool to see this. I even walked around and kept my eye out in the woods. They are not harmful beings, it would be kind of cool to see one. Will look forward to hearing back from you.
I will update the report if anymore information comes in.
Email Brian Vike:
Brian Vike, Director of The Vike Factor (Into The Paranormal)
Time: The tracks were found in the daylight hours.
Hello! I'm in south central Maine. I was walking through a field today (where no one walks) and found an odd trail. It looks just like the Sasquatch trails you see in other people's pictures. It is snowy, so the tracks remain (we haven't had snowfall for several weeks, so no telling how recent they are).
I also found fairly fresh poo, which looked like human poo, except was full of fibrous material and seeds. It didn't look like it came from a meat-eater and saw no sign of purified meat. Parts of it even had a reddish tone, as though some type of tree fruit was consumed. There was also some fuzzy hairs in it, but not throughout it. My guess is that it was hair from the creature who pooped there, or from a young that the adult bathed.
Should I go back and get the poo in a bag and send it for lab tests to determine where/what it came from? I would also take pictures (actually, didn't even think to snap some with my cell phone while out there today!). Can't imagine what else could make those prints. The footprints are about 5 feet apart, but are from a single foot, not like an animal running where several paws would land close to each other. It was pretty cool to see this. I even walked around and kept my eye out in the woods. They are not harmful beings, it would be kind of cool to see one. Will look forward to hearing back from you.
I will update the report if anymore information comes in.
Email Brian Vike:
Brian Vike, Director of The Vike Factor (Into The Paranormal)
Friday, January 22, 2010
Sasquatch Tracks Filmed At Prince George In Northern British Columbia (Pictures) ?
Hello, the attached picture is of a something, my son found on our walk yesterday. I would be interested to know what your thoughts on it are. The ruler shown is 6 inches in length.
Additional Information and Pictures:
Hi Brian, thank you for responding. As for the tracks, there were more than one as you can sort of see in the additional pictures I have attached which lead across a BLVD. The area is a frequent walkway for animals and people. It's not far from the Fraser River, off one of the trails that connect some of the parks. There are a few houses across the street and a wooded hill that leads down into an industrial area, though it's not overly busy.
Mostly junk yards and old warehouses. The boulevard is lined with berry trees which is why the neighborhood has to go out in the Fall to pick them. Bears are common in the Fall. But I've never seen a bear print that big, especially in the winter. In one of the pictures you'll see my boot print right next to the other print.
The road ends in a turn around, so there is only local traffic and only five houses close by.
There was not alot of foot traffic in this spot since we had some warm weather last week and the roads and sidewalks are sheer ice. My son found the first track by jumping in it and then asking me what made the hole ?
At first I thought the snow melted funny, but then I saw the trail of tracks leading to the bushes. It's hard to see the distance between them, but I tried and nearly did the splits to reach the next one. I don't know what to make of them. Thanks again.
Sorry to bug you again, but I went back and took some more photos after lunch today (January 22, 2010)
I live in Prince George, not too far from you if you are in Houston. The tape measure from black edge to black edge was around 42 inches, though it was a soft tape measure over bumpy ground. If you find anything else, please let me know. I love puzzles and this one has me stumped.
The picture above and the rest below were taken on January 22, 2010
All of the pictures in this report are © 2010 to the person who took the photos.
Email Brian Vike:
Brian Vike, Director of The Vike Factor (Into The Paranormal)
If anyone has any information over the tracks that were found in Prince George, would you please be kind enough to contact me with the details. Brian -
Additional Information and Pictures:
Hi Brian, thank you for responding. As for the tracks, there were more than one as you can sort of see in the additional pictures I have attached which lead across a BLVD. The area is a frequent walkway for animals and people. It's not far from the Fraser River, off one of the trails that connect some of the parks. There are a few houses across the street and a wooded hill that leads down into an industrial area, though it's not overly busy.
Mostly junk yards and old warehouses. The boulevard is lined with berry trees which is why the neighborhood has to go out in the Fall to pick them. Bears are common in the Fall. But I've never seen a bear print that big, especially in the winter. In one of the pictures you'll see my boot print right next to the other print.
The road ends in a turn around, so there is only local traffic and only five houses close by.
There was not alot of foot traffic in this spot since we had some warm weather last week and the roads and sidewalks are sheer ice. My son found the first track by jumping in it and then asking me what made the hole ?

I live in Prince George, not too far from you if you are in Houston. The tape measure from black edge to black edge was around 42 inches, though it was a soft tape measure over bumpy ground. If you find anything else, please let me know. I love puzzles and this one has me stumped.
The picture above and the rest below were taken on January 22, 2010
All of the pictures in this report are © 2010 to the person who took the photos.
Email Brian Vike:
Brian Vike, Director of The Vike Factor (Into The Paranormal)
If anyone has any information over the tracks that were found in Prince George, would you please be kind enough to contact me with the details. Brian -
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