I live in Merritt and am very interested in the Sasquatch. Do you know of any sightings around this area of British Columbia?
Thank you for your reply, I could not find anything about Martindale’s sighting, it really does not matter. I seen the tracks when I was diamond drilling on the east side of Harrison Lake up toward the Fraser Canyon.
It walked up where we had a wash tub tied with wire to catch water for the drill, the property we were drilling was (company name removed) and it was a molly property (Molybdenite) and after we saw the tracks, we were told by the owner of the claims that (name removed) from Hope was packing samples out of there years before and they were struck by a blizzard and they found a cave to take shelter in and then got looking around in the cave and found beds lined with grass that were up off the floor, he assumed they were Sasquatch beds.
I thought you might like to know about this, Spuzzum was where you would have come out in the Fraser Canyon if we had of continued on through the mountains.
Image Below: Map of Harrison Lake, B.C. and the surrounding areas.
There was a hot springs down the valley from the camp where we would go and bathe/soak some evenings and that was the same area that the cave was supposed to be in. There was a path down to the hot springs that we used and it was made by game in the area, although we used to see a female grizzly with a cub, she treed my helper once when he went down to the camp for gasoline.
We had to go looking for him when he never returned and he was in the top of a cedar tree hollering to watch out for the bear. I also think the path was used by the Sasquatch, but we never looked for tracks as we had not yet seen the tracks up above the tree-line where we worked.
We also had a prospector that walked the area picking up samples and he was never bothered by the Grizzly as he tied a metal pie plate around his neck and hit it with his hunting knife as he walked.
He said the early warning was what the bears needed.
Hope you find this interesting.
Thank you to the fellow for passing along the information as it is important to have, also I know there is a lot of Sasquatch activity all throughout the area there. So if anyone has seen Sasquatch through the areas mentioned in this report, would you please be kind enough to write to me with a detailed report. Please write to Brian Vike – https://canadaufo.blogspot.com/
Thank you.
Brian Vike (Retired)
Box 1091
Houston, British Columbia, Canada.
Email: houstonbri7@gmail.com
The Vike Factor (Brian Vike) https://canadaufo.blogspot.com/